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⇒ 사용자에게 메일을 보내 대댓글 알림을 보내주는 서비스!! 를 위한 메일 서버 구축!
Small-Time Email with Exim and Dovecot - Alpine Linux
Securing SMTP Settings With Constants - WP Mail SMTP
if ! sudo_wp plugin get wp-mail-smtp 2&> /dev/null; then
sudo_wp config set WPMS_ON true --raw
sudo_wp config set WPMS_SMTP_HOST exim
sudo_wp config set WPMS_SMTP_PORT 25
sudo_wp config set WPMS_SSL "''" # '', 'ssl', 'tls'
sudo_wp config set WPMS_SMTP_AUTH false --raw
sudo_wp config set WPMS_SMTP_USER $EXIM_USER # Auth username
sudo_wp config set WPMS_SMTP_PASS $EXIM_PASS # Auth password
sudo_wp config set WPMS_SMTP_AUTOTLS false --raw
sudo_wp config set WPMS_MAILER smtp
sudo_wp plugin install wp-mail-smtp --activate
if ! sudo_wp plugin get comment-reply-email-notification 2&> /dev/null; then
sudo_wp plugin install comment-reply-email-notification --activate